Well hello all you goblins, demons and fairies! This is your Dame of Details giving you an update from the big house. Just for this holiday let me be your Dame of Destruction - it has such a nice post-apocylyptic ring to it. Genius Girl Monday is here today keeping me company and helping out with autumn cleanup. She took this lovely photo of Margaret caught in her Marilyn Monroe moment.
And here are the girls at their version of a coffee klatch, catching up on the neighborhood gossip and enjoying their cookies!
It’s a little lonesome here without the boys. But they’re having such wonderful adventures on their trip around the world. Check out their blog to get the latest. All I can say is we’re looking forward to the slide show with popcorn and cocktails when they get home!
I hope you all have an excellent All Hallows Eve. I’m looking forward to spending it with my own little miss dame of details who is three and a half and will be dressed as a fairy in head to toe pink glitter and sparkles. Can you get any more fabulous than that?
Until next time…